Dot Property Malaysia

Top tips on how to declutter

Clear out your home of any unused items by following these easy step-by-step guide. 

A spring clean is good for the mind. It can be hard to keep your home in order due to the busy lives that we lead. But now is as good as time as any to declutter. It will make your home feel bigger, free up storage space, plus you will need make sure you property is presenting at its very best if you are planning to move as you want to show your property at in the very best light in order to take photographs as well as for viewings.

1. Give yourself enough time.

This is one job that should not be rushed. Give yourself time to go through your home. Otherwise if you declutter in a hurry you are unlikely to throw out anything or even dispose of items that you do not need as you are working under pressure.

2. Work periodically.

Start in one room and then go through every drawer, wardrobe and cupboard before moving onto the next room. Once you have finished the whole house, start back at the beginning again browsing through everything to check to see if you have missed anything. It should be much easier to spot offending items when the number of your belongings are reduced.

3. When did I last use it?

If you haven’t worn a pair of jeans in the last year, then they have to go. If you have a fancy kitchen appliance such a bread making machine but you have used it only once, add this to the donations pile. If you are unsure, add it to the ‘maybe pile’ and then at the end go through this one by one. Remember to be realistic when deciding whether you will use it again and enlist the help of family and friends to help make the decision.

4. Dispose of anything broken.

Chipped glasses, stained clothes or even odd socks all need to go assuming that you cannot repair them. Similarly due to the digital age we live in we accrue vast numbers or cables for phones and other devices. Recycle or donate any that are no longer in use.

5. Out of date.

Not only food has sell by dates. Medicines and some toiletries do too. Take time to go through your kitchen and bathroom to declutter and dispose of anything that is no longer within date.

6. Use up the dribs and drabs.

If you seem to have more than one, start with items that have the least amount left in them and use them up. This could be toothpaste, shower gel, rice or cleaning products. By starting with these you will quickly free up space in your cupboards.

7. File.

Go through your pile of paperwork, throw out anything you no longer need and file the rest. Group receipts and manuals together so that you can easily find them should you need to.